Originally Posted by Dzel
I ran 150 wet in a 4V 4.8L no tune just a cam, headers, exhaust, and the nitrous kit. Car ran well put some good numbers up at the track. Over time I blew the valve cover seals. So I ripped everything apart. Pistons were screwed amongst other things. I guess what I'm trying to say is if you want to run nitrous build the motor for it. And it can be a beast! But I honestly think it a poor man's mod. That youngsters go to first because they can not afford to build the motor or go FI. Again this is just my opinion.
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So your pistons were screwed and you fried the piston rings? Did ripped apart everything with the mad scientist?!? LOL sounds too much of FnF 1.
Poor man's mod!?!? So I'm guessing that cars that are built for nitrous, the owners are poor?
Nitrous is a form of force induction, just like turbo and sc. All forms of force induction can be made to be safe if done right and properly. You can run a TT kit all day @7 psi at the waste gate and as long as your tune is good you'll be safe. Same as running a 75 shot etc. There are tons of cars out there that have insane ETs and WHP using nitrous as their main power adder or sub power adder.
It's people who have no business chiming in on nitrous or other forms of information help who have no clue what their talking about that bugs me.
I think I've read about you getting every single TT kit or BP kit around here

For someone to say nitrous is cheaping out on going FI that's the same like someone buying a beluga exhaust because its cheaper than going Fast Intentions or other more recognizable brands.