Originally Posted by JC671
LOL retune on a 30 wet shot? Are you serious? For 1 you won't even feel a 30 shot and two you can run a 75 shot all day on stock mapping no tune and just be fine.
Do I have any experience you may ask. Well I'm one of the longest tenured member here who's been running nitrous since the car came out. I've had tons of passes at the track and ran through more than 50 bottle refills with no issues except a bad emu. Other than that I've had no problems.
And for the record it's Nitrous not "NOS". NOS is a company brand, just like Zex, NX, Venom Etc. Please don't confuse the two. Everytime I hear someone call it that it reminds me of FnF 
I have never ran anything less than 100shots before so i am not too familiar with anything lower and im not running n2o on my Z
I only recommended a retune and colder plugs because thats what i had to do running 150shots on my eclipse, plus I dont want to be that guy who says you can run XXshots and be fine with no experience with n2o on the 370z
the way i look at it is, its better to have everything and not need it, than it is to need it and not have it
and i usually call it n2o seeing as thats easier to type out than nitrous oxide but if you are to say nos to anyone, they will know what you are talking about, its like kleenex is a brand for facial tissues, yet everyone calls facial tissues kleenex(same with band aid)