Has Any one replaced a muffler,just muffler with one from ebay that goes for$300? Seller is Top Speed Pro-1..
" Nissan 370Z NISMO 09-12 Stock Upgrade Axleback Exhaust With Bevel Edge Tips"
I want to replace the stock muffler on my wife's new 370, oem set up is a little weak and quiet for such a nice sports car,,,,
Would like to get an Nismo oem exhaust system or a different muffler to give it a lilttle more sound,but i dont want to go crazy on the budget....which is around $400-500, Im in New Mexico if someone is selling one that might work for the Z Let me know...

Dont want to pull trigger on Ebay muffler if its quality sucks...Thanks in advance for any input or help regarding this post....have a great day...