Originally Posted by Footloose301
Food and alcohol kills me the most.
Everyday I spend $8-12 on lunch.
Fridays I go out for some drinks and is usually $30-50
Then I go out randomly during the week. Last night I spent $20 at a bar and $8 on a cigar. None of which I NEEDED.
This isn't counting weekends and going to the movies or car meets that take a full tank of gas either.
yah, those can add up real quick.
i dont spend any money on lunch these days. i dont like eating out as much as i use to. everything is too heavy and salty. i just bring lunch from home and only eat out once a week or once every 2 wks with the family.

once in a blue moon i take my wife out for lunch during the week.
and i stopped drinking like 12yrs ago so no more spendings on that.
and friday nights you guys already know i vac the house, kids go to private school on saturdays so it's a week night, no money spent.
so already, ive saved $110+ vs footloose per week that's like $500/month.
Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 hi everybody!
bust today-too much work to
on a good note-manager is working on getting me a new office mate...AND he is leaving soon for an approintment so I will have the office to myself all afternoon! 
alone FTW!!
nice msbc!