Originally Posted by svt to 370z
I am just not happy with this paint. I have an 09 with 8k miles on it. Tonight i spent 3 hours waxing and detailing my car for the 2nd time this year since i brought her out of hybernation. I just notice swirls and scratches all over it. The paint seems to scratch and chip so easily. Is this just me or is this paint and clear coat just total garbage. I have an svt countour thats a 2000 and i dont have as many swirl marks in it. wtf?
I also have a 13 year old Ford that has better paint than my old 09 370. That's just the way it is.
To keep myself sane I focus on making my Z look good from 10 feet away. If you spend too much time looking at the paint up close you will just be disappointed.