Originally Posted by MB370Z
No offense dude but how old are you? I use to have the same mindset when I was younger but now I much rather have an auto especially while stuck in traffic. I had a lot of younger guys compliment my car until they saw it was an auto and thought it was a POS. 
And most race car have what? Automatics, S7's, PDK's, Dual Clutch Autos/Man.
I have drag raced autos and sticks. Which do you think are faster, which do you think are more consistent? I'd rather shift once in a Powerglide than three or four times in a stick going down the quarter mile with a higher risk of a miss-shift. Not to mention the fact that I can leave my hands on the wheel for more of the run. I only have to drive one handed for 1 second or so during that one shift at half track.
The transmission variations are getting more and more blurred these days.