Just got hit with the steering wheel lock failure
Went to go pick up a friend to eat some breakfast. Got in the car, brake down, pushed the start button. Nothing happened. Got my car towed after numerous attempts to free the damned lock. Got home and tried a different method where I would tap the unit itself. Surprisingly it worked and got to the acc position. Ended up pulling the fuse right after to make sure it would not happen again.
Car is fine now (neighbors probably think I'm crazy starting my car and turning it off so many times). If you're thinking why not take it to the dealership. It is because despite the fact that I have a 2010, it isn't among the list of VINS approved for the recall. HOWEVER if you are one of those like me that didn't get on that list. You can give nissan a call and explain your situation. Good chances that they will approve your VIN for a SLU replacement.
TLDR- steering lock failed, fixed it by tapping then pulling fuse. Car is good. Now to fix my leaking rear diff.