Originally Posted by Sh0velMan
There's that big of a difference between a 480 and a 483? It's only supposed to be a 3 tenths of an inch difference!
Do you have MFG part #'s for those belts? I'm not convinced that my belt is going to work long-term.
For the 6-rib dayco/gates stuff it's K060480 or K060483 or whatever. And yeah, I was shocked that 3/10" makes such a difference as well. I guess it's because the total length is so short now. If I could get a 481 or 482 maybe the tension would be perfect, but I think as long as I'm in the ballpark on the tensioner's range it works. The other 6-rib sizes I've seen from Gates and/or Dayco are K060485 and K060490. I don't think I saw anything in-between those two values, though.