Originally Posted by seizer8
I had a truck driver in front of me on the right spit out his window and hit my windshield. It really ruined my day. It was a nasty green hacker too.
I think it's still about the "buy American" attitude.
Went home and completely washed the car, even though it had been pretty clean.
wow, that sucks. unless he was aiming for your car with his head sticking out the window, it might've just landed on your car unintentionally.
at least it was on the glass vs paint. spit is quite acidic and corrosive.

good job washing it all off though.
i carry disposable gloves, small bottle of QD, and paper & MF towels in my cars just in case im motoring and get hit by bird crap.

after you're done with the paper towel, you can flip wrap your disposable glove around the used paper towel while taking it off your hand, and tie it at the top like a balloon, so you dont touch the crap at all.