Went into the dealership last week and spoke to a service advisor. Showed him the SL recall notice as well as a notice I got in 2011 for the call waiting feature. Couldn't care less about that feature but figured I'd have it done since the car was going in anyway.
Booked an appointment for both recalls and said "please check that you have the SL part. I don't want to come in for the appointment and find out you don't have the part". (foreshadowing).
He goes into the parts guys and comes back. "Yup we have it and I had them order another because we only have one".
Go in for the appointment yesterday and dropped of the car. 5 hours later, buddy calls. "Your 370 is already, but unfortunately we need to rebook for the steering lock. He have to order the part". I almost lost it. Told him 'we' checked that you had the part when I booked the appointment over a week ago. He says he'll "double check" and get back to me. I'm sure he held the phone, waited 3 minutes and called me back to say no they don't have it.
I go pick up the car and they can't find the paperwork or my key fob. Eventually, I get the key but not one person even bothers to apologize for wasting my time.
Please Nissan, send me one of those annoying 'how was our service' e-mail surveys. And oh, please call me and leave a useless automated voice message too asking me to call the service manager if I'm not pleased with the
total lack of service.
/end rant. BTW - sorry for wasting your time reading this post - just needed to vent.