Originally Posted by chrischhorn
You're overseas, you've already dropped so much money into a new motor and redoing your kit.....I would ship your car to a reputable tuner instead of trying to find one close. I'm sure it's probably not money you want to spend but after the first fiasco, it may be worth it. I was really rooting for you too! Still excited to see future numbers. I'm right on the verge of going n20 here pretty soon.
The new motor price wasn't too bad b/c they took my old motor in on top of that. As far as the nitrous kit I just added a couple things remote bottle opener, a new bottle bracket with the heating pad on it and the combination kit of it being bottle pressure heated. Your def. right I don't want to spend more money but I do want to get it right. Everybody talks a big game but once they get my money it's pretty much like WTF!