Originally Posted by kenchan
 hahaha, hi mr.alcheng!  yah, i can see posts just fine.  we should make a ditch day where none of us posts anything on this site for one day.
but then i think mr.mu would seize the opportunity and  get caught up to the kenchan and pass him. yah, that's right, pass him.
 yah, and the good part is how it works and wears off naturally for a smooth take off and landing. unlike cold medicine where you suddenly feel it kick in and abruptly wears off leaving you feel even more miserable, claritin kinda makes a very gradual exit. 
Speaking of allergy... I hate this year... not the worst but it's bad enough (plus I drive a roadster

), usually it comes in Jun but this year it came one month earlier... hope it will finish very soon....