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Old 01-23-2009, 05:10 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Default Always lease if you can...

Originally Posted by BanningZ View Post
Don't ever lease a car. Its kind of like the difference between Renting or owning a home. "Hey I just spent 48 months paying out cash, and I have nothing to show for it!" "Sweet!"
No, you are just paying the depreciation. If you buy, your car depreciates the same amount as a leased car.

Why always lease? Because in 3 years if you have an accident, you can just turn in your lease. How are you going to sell your wrecked Z? You won't. Not with Carfax and the other services today. People see the wreck and you'll own that Z forever.

My last BMW lease had 2 accidents that were not my fault. There would have been no way I would have sold that car.

Leasing is way smarter. If you don't like the car, give it back. If you do, then just buy it at lease end. Most car enthusiast get tired of a car after a few years. Look at all of the fools trying to sell their 350z now so they can get a 370z.
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