Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
Hope that didn't P-you off to much, but that's kinda awesome he couldn't help himself but see what the Z is all about. If that was his first time driving a Z it will be one of his best, it's gives you more then most people expect when the first get in one
I still remember my first.........sigh it had boost!

Oh, he has driven it a couple of other times but the mini or I have been with him. The VERY first time he got on it he was like WOW! THis thing is like a little effing rocket!!
LOL He scared the bejesus outta me! (he has always had bikes so I trusted him he was just getting on it more than I do!)... and nope, didn't pi** me off at all. meh. he was working on the HU again and wanted to test it.how can I be mad!?
Have a great day Mike!!