Originally Posted by Pintsize725
I really need a tripod for these night shots. 

get a good one.
Originally Posted by kenchan
that wera driver i got today... kicksarse! 

Oh! so teh screwing went well eh?! LOL
Originally Posted by kenchan
i think you're the only one that can hold a camera steady for like 30sec without a tripod. 
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Actually, it's not what it is. You have total control here... that's why you bought a DSLR intstead of a point-and-shoot.
Step One: Get out of Auto.
Set a lower, less noisy ISO than what Auto is going to choose for you. 100 is of course, ideal.
Aperture can be tricky with large objects like cars. Do you want the whole car to be in focus and sharp? Try a 5.6 or narrower.
Use the light meter at the bottom of the viewfinder to determine your shutter speed. Move the shutter speed faster of slower until the pointer sits in the center. With white cars, it can be tricky. Try to meter on something that's somewhere between the brightest white part of the car and the darkest black to get a good compromise. Then you can adjust exposure, shadows, highlights and contrast in post. Lightroom has a noise reduction slider that doesn't effect brightness.
In a pinch, any stable object can become a tripod. I've taken off my shoes and used them to cradle the camera for a low shot. Think like MacGuyver!

you may have found a new career here...teacher of entry level DLSR
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BC Friday has arrived!!
Train for Indy leaves in T-minus 9 hours.