Originally Posted by fonzo179
Superior??? So I guess that means BMW also has one of the top 3 hightest selling electric cars in the world? Or did I miss something...oh I remember.
Nissan or as you so skillfully put it "garbage", embraced the age of technology through going green with electric cars by selling 25,000 LEAF units in the US in....what was it Bloomberg said at the end of 2nd QTR FY13....ah got it, less than half the time it took the Prius.
I'm not really sure what you planned to accomplish by flaming NISSAN on a NISSAN forum full of consumers whom actually know what they are talking about. I love your blanketed statements though "rattling seats, paint chips". Dafuq?
Lol at Nissan leaf, Nissan wishes it could touch Honda, Toyota, bmw. Not even worth debating the truth hurts.