Originally Posted by JARblue
I can understand that
I build my own PC, so when something goes wrong I know who to blame. Luckily, I have been doing it long enough that I generally don't have hardware problems. Software problems are sometimes unavoidable in the PC world, though.
Same here, and that's why PC will never die.
Originally Posted by Haboob
I just have a laptop and iPhone 5. I don't need anything else.
Def. wouldn't get a Mac though. Never did like them and like said before, they are waaaay over priced.
Now, if I was heavily into music/graphics - a Mac would be ideal. But I'm not, so **** off Mac! 
That's the argument I never got, MAC has nice tools on it that make doing things like that easy for amateurs, but PC can be upgraded (both hardware and software) to outperform the MAC and would be much more suited for serious users.
Just as a price comparison:
I have spent $1,300 so far on my PC and that a fresh build from scratch ( So no donor case/software) and my PC already packs a punch in performance. i7 processor at 4.2 Ghz, 16 gb ram, 2 gb GPU, 2 TB of storage, and 128 GB SSD running the main programs. When it's all said and done, I will add a second 2gb video card and some memory upgrades. Total price will be about $1,700.