Originally Posted by happytheman
Just throw out the passenger seat. You're not using it anyways! There..problem fixed! 

that is funny right there!! LOL! WTG Happy!
Originally Posted by ZMan8
Not this time, I like to do suspension mods one at a time so that I can "feel" each ones effect and what I like (or don't) about it. If I upgrade everything, I will not know which bit helped and how so.

smart man!
Originally Posted by kenchan
yes, it is. it's not just 10mm width, you're also adding height and weight and squirm.
ive not driven the pss's so i can't say for sure, but im pretty sure the S04's are stiffer than the PSS.
if tirerack would get back to me when the pss 285/35/19's would be back in stock, it would be easier for me to just buy a set of 4 to replace the DW's on my weds. then i can speak from experience.  until then, im only going by reviews and surveys at tirerack and some from this site which is informative, but not fully understandable. the pilots ive tried in the past were good tires though, still on the softer side than bridgestone. that could be a good or bad thing depending on what you want.
but if going wider on a softer sidewall tire, i can only imagine the car will not respond quickly as it should.

something to consider for sure. YOu guys are bringing up a lot of things I had not thought about. dang it. I don't want to think about it. I just wanna buy and have it be exactly like I expected in my little pea brain!
Originally Posted by onzedge
Ms BC -- I hate to admit this publicly, but "Mr" Kenchan is correct. 305 width are likely going to be pretty squirmy.
sigh. not sure if I currently have 275 or 285s on right now. If they are 275 maybe I will go 285 and call it a day. I cannot live with "squirmy"...it needs to stick, I'm not a good enough driver to deal with a wiggly butt all the time.
Originally Posted by GaleForce

Why thank you kind sir!
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Are you planning to get new wheels?
No. I like the stock wheels , although I saw some SSR (?) on here and I liked them. Before then I hadn't seen anything I liked better than my Rays...
Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
 Morning Gale & everyone else lucky enough to still be sleeping 

good morning Mike!!
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Good morning Ms.BC 
Morning Gale! Hope you had a goodnight working. I'll be happy to have you back on day shift, kinda weird without you in here

Morning Zee land!
Oh, no Z in the parking lot. The weather peeps said there is a chance for damaging winds and hail today

don't want my Z to end up like Digitoniums...that was enough to finally scare me into leaving it home more often.