Originally Posted by Z Stig
Wow, you waited two whole minutes between your two posts to me. I didn't know you had that kind of restraint.
This post appears to have expected me to reply in between your sentence that ended with a facepalm and the "no comment" line. How the he11 am I supposed to do that?
I'll answer your question... (now that I can actually see that you asked one)
Yes, I notice the postings from some of the others; they just don't seem to be as negative (in a serious way) or meaningless as some of yours. You can be supportive in some of your posts, but mainly you are negative and seem to be focused on eliciting a response.
Again, I am irritated at myself for allowing you to get to me with this thread and it has probably provided you with a happy ending moment or two today.
Really, I don't care how many posts you have, as long as they are meaningful, relevant and positive in the most part. Also, if you could practive true restraint and not post two - three times in a row about the same thing. Maybe pause before you press send and see if there is anything else you need to say before you send it.
Merry Christmas and Have a Nice Day. 
blah blah blahflippity blah... did that trigger a response?
I'm going to post how I wanna post, thank you... and, YOU'RE WELCOME.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and YOU have a nice day!

Im pressing
ENTER right about