Originally Posted by RCZ
We arent saying you are BS, we are saying your numbers are BS so you can post all the dyno plots in the world and it wont make a difference. I completely agree with modshack; if you bumped into me with your stock z and told me you made 330whp I'd probably laugh in your face.
Its not a matter of doing a run somewhere else either. If you go to a more normal reading dyno, you will be lower.
No ones got anything against you here, just know that those aren't accurate numbers by any means. Usually the highest reading dyno's are dynapaks and even those are reading in the 290 range for a stock 370Z. Then the Dynojets reading about 285whp and then your heartbreakers the mustangdynes and the dynodynamics that are reading in the 260 range.
Be informed.
I can apreciate it when you put it in that context.
But when you put it this way:
Originally Posted by RCZ
You dont have a factory freak, nor do you have 330whp. If you believe you do then you are a moron. Specially not 330whp on a mustangdyne. Stock Nismos should do about 265-275whp on that kind of dyno.
I don't apreciate it.
I didn't make this post to brag about my numbers.
Though i was very happy when i compared the numbers to other 370z that ran that day, including another Nismo. I certainly didn't make this post to get flamed for numbers that i received from DYNO. This was my first Dyno experience ever.
As i've already stated in the original post, it was my personal baseline on that specific dyno. On top of that, i haven't seen anyone else post Nismo's DYNO specs anywhere online, so i posted mine.
So even if that specific DYNO shows higher numbers. I have already told you that there were bunch of 370Zs running on that Dyno. The fact of the matter is: Non-Nismo 370Z with bolt on's (intake, exhaust, & test pipes) ran lower HP, than stock Nismo. ON that specific Dyno, on that specific day.
So those who still have need to continue to flame me... flame on!!!
oh and....Those haters who requested me to take my HP numbers of my sig can kiss my a$$. It is what it is...