Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N
Unless you really care about the cosmetic changes that much there really isn't a reason to wait. Also, nissan is offering 0% financing on current models. 2014 models will not be afforded that luxury until the end of that year cycle. This is a promotion that has been repeated for the last couple of years. When I purchased my 2013 the 2012 promotion had just ended. I had hoped to take advantage of the 2012 promotion on a 2013 model but was not able to. food for thought.
This raise another concern, i have contacts few dealers near by and they confirmed it that there is only 2 new nismo within the states. one is black and one is silver, that means I will have to wait for nissan to delivery the pearl white over sea (by then, 2014 model will be out). I guess I need to be patient either way, just not too sure of the cosmetic changes. what are everyone's thought on the cosmetic update?