Originally Posted by JARblue
Just finished installing my new dryer
I didn't actually short out the plug earlier, so I was very relieved when I plugged in the new dryer and it turned on and played a tune
90 degree stairs suck though... I have an appliance dolly that I had to abandon halfway up the stairs cause I couldn't rotate it on the landing. I thought I was going to have to move the washing machine out of the laundry room to fit the dryer first, but taking laundry room door off the hinges wound up be significantly easier. Now I get to go back to the office all sweaty and nasty
( Click to show/hide )Got the old one downstairs and the new one unloaded from the car
Here's the landing where the stairs turn, which is about the size of the box the dryer came in - oh and my helper, who was more hindrance than help
And here it is at the top of the stairs after having to abandon the appliance dolly
And final result installed

This is another reason why stairs suck.
Also, why have that equipment up stairs? I guess it's more convenient, but not when something breaks and you have to replace it!
I can't have a two-story house though, so I won't have to worry about that ever.