Originally Posted by kenchan
sounds good.  you run off-road right? so this is a dirt track or asphalt or carpet or?
btw, not sure if you saw my quick post yesterday, but my LED's in the maplights do not illuminate while driving. at least not that i could see. 
Yep, off-road. It's dirt track, indoors.

No blazing hot temps in Summer and no freezing cold temps in Winter.
I missed that post about the map lights. Must be nice! I don't know if I want to go as far as replacing mine, because I already spent the money on these. We'll see, I need to try my "tint" idea first.
The glow isn't bad, it's not like it lights up anything - the amber/orange effect LED up there still illuminates the gearshift, etc. like it did before.
It's just that
I can see the map lights glowing.