Originally Posted by sixpax
1. Not sure. I have the Micro Style which is a cylinder 2 inches in diameter and 4.5 inches tall. Not all of that area is available for "storage".
2. Didn't measure it, but I would guess around 3/4 of an inch at the bottom of one and about 1/2 inch at the bottom of the other.
3. Like a baby on the street, like an old fat guy on the track (only twice) ... car is not a DD so does not get driven every day.
4. Great idea to recirculate, I think. In looking at the stuff collected in my cans I don't think I am very interested in shooting it back into the block. Condensation makes it a little "watery" in texture and appearance. I'll just dump it out and be thankful I am keeping that out of my engine.  
Ok. so this is were I get confused. My 2012 is a daily driver (120 miles a day). I drive in all kinds of conditions; sit/go traffic, fast highway speeds, and back and forth between the two daily. Now I've got about 18k miles on my ride and have seen almost no oil consumption issue from day one. So either:
1) Im lucky
2) the 2012s have fewer issues
3) I'm thinking that you drive you car pretty hard to have the much blow-by
4) am I missing something here....?
Also, Love the setup. Just some advice if it matters. The SS hoses seem to be sitting on top of your intakes? Over time they will grind the steel down if you don't have something between them...lesson learned from my last set up.