Originally Posted by Bucketlist2012
  Wow...Seriously...Someone has a car they love and do not want door dinged, and has the respect to park FAR AWAY to allow others to park close to the shopping area and that is an Asshat ? Nope....You have the right to your opinion,but that doesn't mean you are right..
An asshat takes up two places in a crowded lot, or near the front of a store...Someone who takes two spaces in the far corner of an empty lot is smart.....
If you're in the far corner of an empty lot, why do you need two spaces? Being far away makes taking two spaces "respect"?

You're right... it's just my opinion that people who take two spaces with their cars, whether near or far, look disrespectful, arrogant and douchebaggy. Those parking like that may see themselves differently, and at the end of the day, their opinion of themselves is what matters most, not mine.
But anyway... the guy with the VW is taking up two spaces in a lot that's full. Asshat. End of story.