Originally Posted by Baer383
Yes mr Gale I know alot about what I do
Jar if you pm me I could tell you everything I do on cars all day and no I don't just bleed brakes
Mr gale I don't know everything and I'm not right all the time and no you don't need to keep an "open mind" when it comes to safety items it is either right or wrong.
I glad I seen this thread with all the smart azz comment thanks for any or your lack of input which shows a lack of knowledge on your part.
And maybe for those who are puzzled on my "6 figure income"maybe you should have started working on car when you were 15 like me and you to could enjoy the rewards. 

we're just having a little fun here

You can't expect people people not to enjoy threads that are that entertaining... would you have preferred these comments in the other thread? The way I figure, is we didn't have any real input, so you have no gauge of our knowledge or lack of knowledge regarding the subject matter of that thread
I'm sure you do more than bleed brakes. I figure you've been around the interwebs long enough to realize that bragging about your income isn't going to help your cause when you're trying to inform people about safety issues