Originally Posted by Baer383
Like I said in the earlier everybody in this thread has no clue b/c you don't do this type of work,you read something or heard something and that's what you are relying on. 
Some prefer to clean up a mess by not making it in the first place. Some prefer to do the job by-the-book.
I'm no braking system expert - I'll freely admit that my knowledge of ABS/TC/&c is superficial at best and my understanding is even less. And the last brakes I bled were on a '98 Pontiac. But... I have worked with hydraulic systems, both mechanically and control-wise, from the size of a few D cells to 6' radial motors and I've been servicing brakes since the mid-'70s (I may not be doing it right but I always manage to stop). Hydraulics is hydraulics.