Detailing in OC area...
edit: mods, can this be in the Southern California subsection?
hey guys. so my car's been in 'storage' for almost 5 months now, being driven every now and then by my dad. i'd like to get it professionally detailed. its not terribly bad, some swirl marks and a few rock chips (only 6k miles on her) but i'm looking for someone trustworthy.
Saw Evasive auto detailing when i searched, but not very many results came up.
anyone live around irvine or orange county that knows a good place? i have all my own stuff but i'd rather get home, and go straight to the beach all shiny and nice. someone that will come to where the car is would be best, but if its a shop too thats fine
thanks! and whoever finds me a place, i owe you a beer. lol
Last edited by snowsurfdirtx; 05-19-2013 at 02:38 AM.
Reason: 12 hours at work, im tired. lol