Originally Posted by pokeyl
Zt-2 Wideband Air/Fuel Ratio Meter and Datalogging System : Model 2010
RPM input, tach, low side ignition coil, crank, cam sensor.
0-5V, 0-12V, square wave, 0 -18000 RPM
"Low side ignition coil" (primary side of coil) will probably be your best option. You can also tap into the crank or cam sensor, but that may load the circuit.
See the FSM (link in my sig) for wiring diagrams, wire colors, and physical locations. The EC (Engine Control system) section will be a good place to start. If you use Adobe Reader, the Advanced Search will allow you to search all sections of the FSM at once.
Edit: You may have to set the proper range on the datalogger. Signal levels for the sensors will be in the FSM.