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Old 05-18-2013, 08:31 AM   #292 (permalink)
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Default Investment

Originally Posted by wstar View Post
It's true. I'm a big anti-debt person. I would just rather pay for stuff and have nothing hanging over my head. However, given how low interest rates are, and how decent the market returns are, it makes sense to borrow investment money right now. In other words, if you bought a mortgage in the past few years it might be in the 3-4% range. Let's say you come into an extra $40K. My anti-debt brain says "throw into the house loan and get that thing finished quicker," but the smart move right now is to put that 40K into the market (even something conservative like an S&P Index Fund) and make more off of it than your mortgage is charging you.
Sp500 index is not a conservative investment. Its seems that way with the market going up and up. Large cap equities such as the sp500 took a -38% loss in 2008. Dont get me wrong. I invest (and not trade). Have made so much in the market over my life. Its too bad most dont understand how to invest with all these trading commercials, annutiy crap, and all these salesmen of products today. Ive enjoyed the fruits as a long term investor. The Z was cash. So was the wheels, the mods, etc etc
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