I know I'm joining this a bit late, but better late than never, right?
Originally Posted by GaleForce
I'm not a 125 lb rag doll.... You better be a big boy if you think you'll be pitching to me. 
Oh, I'm big boy. *brown chicken brown cow*
Originally Posted by kenchan
oh i knowz haboob. he will bring an excavator for sure. 
Originally Posted by GaleForce
This guy. He's invited. Crisco and some meth? Looking to party? I like to party.
Originally Posted by happytheman
Brantly: Wow, so you guys are like buds now?
Mu: Oh, yeah, we hang out all the time. Plus, he doesn't have a girlfriend.
Galeforce: I don't have a girlfriend.
Mu: It's like we both had these holes in our lives, but now we fill each other's holes.
