Originally Posted by DarkJak
They wouldn't even really help if you had a large rear wing. The vortex generators are used on an Evo due to how abruptly and sharply their roof breaks into the rear window. It's a muuuuch steeper turn than the Z's, which basically just smoothly goes all the way back. When the roofline breaks like on a sedan, the air over the roof had a hard time sticking to the surface and will only start to flow down near the end of the trunk. Vortex generators create turbulance in the air, which help because turbulent air can follor the sharp turn much better. So by the time it gets to the wing, the air has already dropped down and smoothened out.
But the Z doesn't have this problem. It won't benefit a bit from fins.
Exactly. The Evo had this and the STI had the little spoiler over the back window. OEMs have wind tunnels they can use to test things like this and make sure they actually do something. On a Z, its a taped-on piece of Ebay carbon fiber. It's your car, go for it if you like it. Just don't think it will help aerodynamics in any way. It'll probably look pretty odd with the existing roof lines.