Originally Posted by shumby
Man those things scratch the crap of you paint.
No they don't, at least they don't if you take care of them properly.
I've been using them since 1973 (and mostly on black cars) and never had a problem with them.
Where most people run into trouble is when they get wet and don't remove them (allow them to "dry" on the car) or they allow derbies (leaves, etc) to get between the backing and the finish and, again, just leave them on the car.
That said, I don't recommend going cheep such as the offerings you'll find at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and most local auto parts stores...a poor quality bra can definitely cause problems.
-My Basset Hound Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student and Barack Obama -
Last edited by Robert_Nash; 01-23-2009 at 12:06 PM.