Originally Posted by chieuxuan
I'd be broken as shyt if I live 10 min from there 
Lol, I was never sure of all the rules. I was under the impression you had to have your car track ready to even be allowed on the track...roll cages, etc.. so I never pursued it any farther. I work for the phone company so I'm in and out of there constantly. Any time they have an event I wanna see, I just take my bucket truck and say I'm working on the lines...free pass...lol. Some of the cars I've seen in the garages of Gasoline Alley....INSTANT WOOD!!!
b1adesofcha0s The houses there are super cheap too. I saw these huge brand new houses near the track that were selling for just under $200k. Those same houses here would probably be like $700k+
Yup, you are correct. I bought my house last year on a short sale. It's 4 yrs. old, 5,200 square ft. and loaded with every option for $200k. Same house in Md or DC would cost 3-4 times that much. There are a lot of DMV transplants that live here and commute due to the cost of living being so cheap here.
Please do, you're welcome to join us.
If you have a helmet, bring it :-P
I just might do that and hell yeah I got a helmet. Does that mean I can get a ride around the track?? That would be AWESOME!! What days you runnin? Got pool playoffs in Baltimore Friday night and Saturday morning but Sunday is clear (other than recovering from a killer hangover...Sat. night is card night)