Originally Posted by JungleZ
I think all points have been covered.. The real question is Nissan wanting to be a track ready lightweight RWD BRZ type car or just stick another VQ engine in a sport car and call it a day.
isnt anyone sick of the VQ engine in pathfinders,xterras,frontiers being used in every other platform.
Not really. Not from a general standpoint. In all those other vehicles mentioned. They are tuned for duty. They pull out excellent power that rivals v8 cars with reduced weight and give better feedback and power delivery than the impalas and malibu's of the world.
In the sports car the VQ is still an excellent platform. VVEL is what makes the 37 so course. I'm sure the Q50 is going to show a re-tuned VVEL that runs much smoother.
The Next gen Z will most likely have two or 3 engines. I'm banking on two. The 3.7 hybrid and a 3.0ltr turbo. I think the Hybrid will prove as a GT version of the Z and the 3.0 T a turbo version the sport/tuner car. I think if nissan goes that route, they will appease a much broader market. I wouldn't be surprised if the next designation is ZX for the hybrid. Then with a lower cost FWD/AWD BRZ price competitor it will do well too. As a whole. The VQ is still the king of V6's. There really isn't a better v6 engine period. Unless you go into H.O.6's which arent v6. What NA v6 does a better job? If it ain't broke...
The problem with people like you is...
1. You read too many car mags.
2. You don't even know how to drive these cars to the limit unless it's in a straight line.
3. You never researched what Nissan was trying to achieve with the Z34 in the first place, before purchase. So you bought this car under pretenses that make no sense. Nissan didnt make a bad car. You made a bad decision. And that decision is not based on your own opinion. It's based on reading other peoples opinions. You repeat a lot and think people don't see through that shyt... If you really own a Z? Which i question lately? You drive it to work and back bruh...
Your 2013 purchase was summed up by an article you read in Sept 2009 Car an driver,an unreliable source. Your demise was getting in cahoots with a bunch of forum self loathers and reading every Z review
AFTER you bought the car which inspired
POST-MEDIA buyers remorse. It's an american epidemic called trying to please the status quo by being a drone vs having your own opinion.
You don't understand what the Z is and your complaints are all extremely vague.
You're being agreed with for saying theNismo z is harsh. 2 or 3 independent ENTHUSIAST mags didn't think the Z was harsh enough to complain about extensively. I prefer independents over guys who get kickbacks for positive reviews on some or many cars. Every major CORPORATE SPONSORED mag did though. And to your typical cliche, so are you.
You're complaining about the harshness in a Nismo, that YOU DO NOT own. And if you were smart? If harshness was a SERIOUS complaint. The auto is 30% less harsh than the manual. The tranny aids in the manual Z's harshness. I don't even know how you bought the Z.
Because even on the test drive. Letting the car rev in first and second. It's like damn, what was that? The sound catchesvyou off guard at first. But as the car breaks in some of that couseness starts subsiding somewhat. It's still course but tolerable.
This is why i don't credit anything you say. The courseness you complain about is their from the first time you step on the gas. Unless you drive the auto, in auto mode. Cuz throw it in manual mode and there's the courseness again. Yet you bought the car and now you whine endlessly...