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Old 05-15-2013, 10:27 AM   #151 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by luigi90210 View Post
can i ask why you say that?

imo dry kits are just as reliable if not more reliable than wet kits when tuned properly(well with intake foggers at least, direct port is the best way to go imo), the intake manifold is not designed to flow fuel so you could be running lean in a few cylinders while running rich in others(IE cylinder 1&2 could be running rich, 3&4 could be perfect, and 5&6 are lean because they are the furthest away from the TB)

not trying to be a pain or start a flame war here, just being the devils advocate
Sorry for getting back so late, I am still in Afghanistan. Okay so Yes Direct Port is the best way to go but those are usually used for bigger applications around 250 plus which obviously I am not doing. I should have stated running a wet kit is preferred b/c as you know dry kit you only spray nitrous, wet kit you spray nitrous with fuel. I am no where saying I am a nitrous guru and I get your playing devils advocate. What is the biggest shot you have done with dry? In my experience I generally don't hear a lot of people going big with dry kits. It is to my understanding that when you run a dry shot you are betting on the fuel system to compensate on it's own? That means your putting all your trust in the vehicle figuring out what to do once nitrous is added vs the fuel already going in with the nitrous at the same time.Your application is going to dictate which kit to use. I believe that wet kits are safer, and they are also highly recommended and if you ever want to go FI you can keep your wet kit and apply it to your setup. In the end no matter which way you go TUNING will always be the deciding factor.

So just an update, I bought a motor from Z1 b/c well it was easier then going through to see what was messed up in the old motor. I bought a new bottle bracket with a built in heater that will come with a kit to dictate how long the heater stays on depending on the bottle pressure. I will still be going with 150 just gotta find the right guys to tune it once everything is set up. Bought a few other misc. things like a bunch of red silicone hoses, back up light, stealth blinker lights, twm short throw shifter and I am sure I am forgetting a few things. Should have the vehicle running in about 3 weeks. Then back to tuning. Those of you still running nitrous I'm jealous! Has anyone gone beyond 100? Numbers on a dyno?

Too much to list and a baby shot of nitrous....
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