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Old 05-15-2013, 03:05 AM   #38 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Originally Posted by darli328 View Post
I'm sure you're not then only one... If I had to guess some people just don't want to break any laws and couldn't care less otherwise.
the way i have been looking at it recently is who is going to have more fun?

the guy who makes better numbers but has to drive like a grandma on the streets because a cop might hear the BOV on their TT370z and give you a ref ticket, or the guy who isnt making as much power but is able to push his car to the limit every day of the week and doesn't have to worry about failing smog checks

i personally am the latter so for me to go FI on my car, its going to have to be legal so if i suddenly decide to push the car, i dont have to worry about paying too much out of my *** when i get pulled over(imagine how much its gonna cost to rip off a TT kit, put everything back to stock, have the ref inspect it, then put everything back on, that alone isnt worth the trouble imo)

Originally Posted by future370zzz View Post
Paying someone off to pass smog is rare now since they cracked down on this with undercover stings and revoking smog tester licenses. Please PM me if you have a SMOG hookup.

This is pushing me toward Stillen but with the issues with this kit and the lack of power its a deal killer. Another option is getting the Stage 0 GTM supercharger or turbo kit when CARB approved for a carb sticker and converting to a higher stage until the time comes for smog and then return to Stage 0 to pass and then back to desired stage. The last option is uninstalling/installing a FI system every two years.

dude i dont know if you got to check out the stillen 370z but if you get the chance to i would do it, i drove up to coasta mesa from north SD just to check it out and when i went for a ride along, man it sure didnt feel like it was lacking any power, now I imagine thats because their place is near sea level so it is probably making the advertised 412whp on their tune with their carb approved kit, plus i imagine you would also make more power assuming you live near sea level, I would just swap the pulley, impeller and bpv and custom tune it and call it a day, at sea level that should be an easy 500whp

imho though, its not all about the numbers, plus with the kit being street legal, you dont have to pay for fake smogs and worry about getting ref tickets

Last edited by luigi90210; 05-15-2013 at 03:20 AM.
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