Originally Posted by m3chhawk
I talked to the tech and he said he followed the ZSpeed instructions (and actually read them back to me from the top of his head almost verbatim).
We will see how it goes. I imagine I will end up doing a master as well, but the car only has ~6800 miles on it so it seems strange that a master would "fail" that soon.
Also slammed Z + shitastic driveway + tow truck = one awesome Monday morning.
I think it comes down to the way they bleed them from factory. I wouldnt be surprised if they hook up a pump to do it for them and never actually have to bleed the stock CSC. I do know with mine when I pulled it out I could not blow throw it (which you must be able to do in order for it to bleed itself). Thats one sure way to tell if you need a new one or not.