Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Heck, that's totally me when I get older! Only the good stuff for us short people. 
my neighbor down the street has the 500. he's not particulary small, but he seems to fit okay.
i was

about the abarth, even thinking about getting one after i retire my G, but now, im not sure. the :excitement: kinda wore off.
Originally Posted by Haboob
My statement still stands: Why run when you have a car?
 I'm just lazy!
Nah, that's good though. Running = awesome, unless you're like me and push too hard to where you feel like your chest is going to cave in. 
so i bought my wife a treadmill for mom's day. nono, i wasn't telling her she was fat or anything LOL

she wanted one so i got one for her.

im going to borrow that and run a couple of miles a week.
unfortunately the allergies has worsend in the last few days... i start coughing and sometimes sneezing the moment i step outside.

even in the garage i sound like im choking to death.

so im going to pass on the bike for now.