Originally Posted by JARblue
I can make any girl wet, baby
haha yeah, I'm DEFINITELY not making fun of anyone's weight. If excessive - like that bony anorexic look or extremely overweight people overexerting themselves by trying to walk around an amusement park all day or something like that - I might have a quick moment of  to myself and maybe nearby friends.
i can understand the hyper metabolism and some folks not being able to gain weight due to dna, but taffyapples... just dont eat. sure it's all psychology and dna, but atleast for them, they have an option if they really wanted to loose weight. just dont eat. you cant get fat if you dont eat.
hell, i was fat at one time. i literally stopped eating all the snacks, skipped lunch, etc. i lost the fat.
like how ive not had any hagdaz or m&m peanuts even though i could kill for some right now.