hi mike i was the one who helped the HIN and hozman group guys organize the interim stop for the Z's in NC before they went to the big chantilly VA stop on the east coast
the tour was good seemed to be well organized and got the word out in a grassroots way. especially getting forums and clubs involved we got to spend a whole day with the cars.
overall i thought the guys did a good job.. but if i had set up the marketing end of it i would have made it maybe a little more interactive. i remember last year subaru did a traveling event where they set up a mini autocross and let participants do like a couple 20-30 second lap around cones in their demo WRX and STI with a subaru staff member... something like that would have been cool for the 370z since its targeting the same demographic. that way you could have shown people the rev matching and other features first hand
the Z rally must have been a success because i noticed that GM was trying to do the same thing by bringing the camaro around to a few dealers in a very similar fashion
as for the car ive driven both the auto and the manual my thoughts are here