Man oh man where do I begin... Read Z owners! There are cheaper ways to make power. The Stage 2 SC is the cheaper way if you are supercharging. I bought this because the long tube header clearance issues with a low mounted SC. If you are running stock or shorties, there are cheaper ways. Remember GTM sells their Garret TT kits and the MHI kit. No need to ask about a competing vendor on this thread. Chili, unless you plan on pushing serious power, you don't need a built motor. If you are looking for torque, go TT's, if you are looking for response, get a SC unless you don't mind waiting for the half second it takes (maybe less) for the turbos to spin. If you are looking for instant torque and response, sorry, there is no twin screw or roots blower options here.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction
