Originally Posted by Z370Z011
I live in Cali and still don't care about CARB approved things LOL
Ha, I guess I forget to include that option in the poll. My mistake...
Originally Posted by DEpointfive0
What's the premium?
$100, no problem, $500, ehhhhhh... On the FI kit, not that much of a total cost increase, on the GTM kit it's 10%, so I see that as more of a turn off.
Honestly, it's nice to be CARB approved just in case a cop hassles you, or asks to pop the hood, or you get screwed with a sniffer test, but I live in CA, I I went FI, I wouldn't give two, or one, or even a tenth of a shìt if your worry is smog testing, when that day comes, pay someone $150, done.
Wait a minute, there's a CARB approved GTM FI kit?
Originally Posted by Chuck33079
You are. Thank your lucky stars you don't have to deal with that hassle. There is NO benefit for anyone not in CA to be CARB legal.
I think you're right and that's the impression I've gotten with regards to being interested in CARB options outside of CA. But, I disagree there's NO benefit for anyone not in CA to be CARB legal. Having a CARB sticker makes emissions testing easier and you'll pretty much never get hassled by the cops regardless of what state you're in. Maybe I should do some more research but that's my current opinion anyways.