Originally Posted by Kayzee
The goal of having something like that on you is to avoid having to use it at all as soon as the other person realizes you actually do have one on your person.
Talk softly and carry a big stick policy. Roosevelt style 
IMNSHO, the rule-of-thumb is to NOT show your weapon until the instant before you use it. Forewarned is forearmed; it only escalates the situation; &c. YMMV
I do not carry weapons in my car except for guns when traveling to/from the range and then they are in the hatch area and all but impossible to get to from the cabin. I avoid places where I think it might be necessary to carry a weapon. I usually carry a pocket knife, but I wouldn't know how to use it in a fight. I suppose I could give you a nasty cut if I threw one of my CDs at you.