Originally Posted by DEpointfive0
(I am a gun fanatic, just a realist as well)
... At the same time, in CA, you can carry it unloaded... Watch as the criminal watched you load your gun while he shoots you. It's COMPLETELY worthless. Then you gotta lock it when you drive past a school and 10 other things. Might as well leave it at home...
And they made it illegal to carry handguns open (still no mag) as well... So unless you want to open carry a shotgun or AR15, your gun ain't gonna help you in this state
I know you're a gun fanatic, as am I, but you would be surprised what you can do or get away with when you know the laws very well and still carry in your car effectively

. But, like I said, it just depends on where I'm going if I decided to or not since it can be cumbersome.