Originally Posted by onzedge
I just finished waxing the Juke. The 370 got the Meguiar's love yesterday and the Juke today.
There is a little Z meet and greet over in rancho Cordova this afternoon and I think I will make a brief appearance. I think I will be the oldest there because the other attendees are "down with it", etc., according to their posts.

you too "are down with it" only they dont know it yet
Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
I am surprised they get you to do that, you do maintenance right? Most companies would contract that out to prevent liability issues and to get some what of a warranty on the work. Either way doesn't sound fun 750' is a long wire pull.
Today I am installing a conveyor and some lighting above it 
Originally Posted by Huck
It depends, my boss has been an electrician for like 20 something years, so when he got promoted and I took his spot he made me aware that's what he wanted me to become. I'm learning and maintaining all the electrical systems of the mall. Sometimes if something is a real PITA we'll call a company out to handle it, but this wasn't really too bad. I didn't actually pull 750' of new wire, it was existing, but the feed had been cut by contractors building out the new Sports Authority store. The feed came up in a junction box and then went right back down and over to the lights I needed to supply. I simply ran the flex line from the pole to the Jbox with the appropriate wiring and hooked it up for 480v 3 phase. It looked worse than what it was lol, just a mass of wires. These light poles are always a mess. The working is like 40 years old, so anytime we have a lightening storm we have to rewire stuff cause the lines fry lol.
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff

you gus are great! My dad too was an eletrician. You guys belong to IBEW?
Originally Posted by shadoquad
mostly packed for Zdayz 
Originally Posted by GaleForce
We don't need clothes. 2 guys wearing thongs cruising in a sweet vette... It's all good. FYI, I'm not a heavy sweater so your interior should be ok.
Ok. Here it comes
That "heavy sweater" statement along with the thong just put ypu over the edge for me

o. M. G.

love you guts. So funny and "off" (just a bit).