Originally Posted by JARblue
Look at the link again and note that this is the portion of the link that goes in the [YOUTUBE] tag: ybVCJbzptGY It is the portion after "v=" (but as you can see, don't include the featured garbage at the end of the link either)  I'll let you go back and edit your post or repost the video yourself
 You bitch!  Yuppie is offensive to me, though I am jk about you of course, lovely lady
Haha don't be. Maybe I was just talking out of my a$$. Maybe I don't actually know anything about the stuff we were talking about.
( Click to show/hide )Don't worry, I do  Hope it was helpful, and I'm very glad you got the video posted  I actually help a lot of family and friends with computer stuff at all different levels. So I have some experience trying to explain potential problems to someone unfamiliar with the subject matter. And the last thing I want is for them to feel intimidated. You should only feel intimidated if you're paying me money for my skillz 

watch it mister!!

i'm glad you didn't iggy me!
Note to self: Jar hates "yuppie".
I will try one more time to fix it.