Originally Posted by roplusbee
Kinetix made one and it was sold for a very short time. They have redesigned it, but not released anything. I am looking to replace the plastic plenum. I currently have the M370 from Motordyne. It is nice, but doesn't fit my needs. How long will a plastic plenum hold up to 8-12 PSI (or more for that matter). This is why this man's work is so important with producing a lower manifold adapter to fit the GT-R manifold to the Z/G.
This may be a bling item for most, but it is damn near a necessity for me. And it seems this will be available before Kinetix gets it together again.............take it for what it's worth.
Thats exactly the information i was looking for on why this would be such an increase over something like the motordyne... Thank you.