Originally Posted by FPenvy
i like the nay-sayer already about the turbo choice
ahhhh silly canucks 
Originally Posted by FPenvy
oh come on bro it's the internet.....and a forum.....yea it happened right when i expected it. the first page lol
yea but thats also the same guy i think who gave me shi t for asking if their kit was for MT and AT. got like 15 of my posts deleted. so i'm not surprised he's the first hater being you're creeping into his territory of single turbo kits 
This is the reason shops don't offer advice on these forums. Every keyboard racer knows more than the guys who do this for a living, and have hard data to support each statement/claim we make. To acquire this date a lot of time and money is spent, but again the keyboard racer knows better.....lesson learned I guess.
OP, I really do wish you all the best with this build. All I can do (and did) is offer advice.