Originally Posted by Chuck33079
I agree, but I've just given up on the world working like it should. Most people either don't know or care the techs drive their cars when they get dropped off for work. The dealer would rather run the risk of getting caught making a burger run than require a lot of owner involvement in the repair process and have people bitch about the hassle of getting the car fixed.
I've got a top-notch tech at my local dealer who I specifically instruct to go out, run through a few gears and let me know if everything feels right. He's driven a lot more turbo Zs than I have, and he put the kit on for me. He's also the only one who touches the car when it's at the dealer.
Let me guess, Baker North? I trust the Baker boys with my life, lol. If they did a burger run, I'd go in, give them $10 and say, bítch, where's mine, LOL